Get the Advice You Need through Real Estate Asset Management

by | Sep 24, 2013 | Property Management

One of the easiest ways to inadvertently cause drops in your investment returns on your rental property is to choose an inappropriate monthly rate.  Settling on over or underpriced rates is a common mistake made among inexperienced property owners.  There are many steps that need to be taken to effectively and intelligently manage your investment assets; however, selecting a smart going rate is essential.  If you unintentionally became a landlord or are just beginning your investment career, it may be a wise decision on your part to consider real estate asset management.  South Jordan companies will provide you with an experienced manager who will guide you through the complex process of setting a rate.  They will ensure your set price corresponds to other similar properties in your investment’s area and help you stay within rent control regulations.

Balancing Rates
Many new property owners often set their rates at a steep price in an attempt to take some of the weight of their financial burdens off of their shoulders.  However, affordability is an important factor to many individuals and families in the market for a new home.  If only a small portion of potential renters living in your investment’s area earn enough income to afford your monthly rental rates, chances are they will take their search elsewhere.  Real estate asset management prevents owners from asking pricey rates as well as asking for monthly payments that are too low to properly fund their investment.

Direction from a Specialist
Managers work to educate their clients and provide helpful advice wherever necessary, especially when it comes to rent control.  Rent control is designed to benefit both renters and owners in certain areas and helps to keep rates at an appropriate price within the markets.  Your manager will inform you if your asking rate does not correlate with what is acceptable for your area and how it will affect you and your investment.  Location is one of the many factors that affect the values of an owner’s property.  Working with an experienced professional will help you take the desirability of your property’s surrounding area into account and make choices that allow you to provide affordable housing, while generating a profit.

Real Property Management Elite is an organization with over two decades worth of rental market knowledge and experience.  To request a management quote free of cost, visit

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